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We’re Watching Weird Science…

We’re watching Weird Science!

Join us for the movie and snarky comments!

About Talia Carmichael

Talia Carmichael is a romantic who believes that family, no matter if it is by blood or those you choose as family, is integral to who you are. She is an author who writes sexy stories in a variety of genres. She believes in creating stories that encompass all that falling in love or lust entails, from the highs of that first blush of attraction to the lows of not knowing if you can make your coming together as a couple work, and then finally to the acceptance of the reality of making a life together. It's all about the journey. Among her books you'll find contemporary, futuristic, fantasy, and paranormal settings with M/M themes that will have a happily-ever-after. Her books are passionate, intense, and real… to fill the craving. Website: Blog:

83 responses to “We’re Watching Weird Science…

  1. Amber Kell ⋅

    I’m here!

  2. Talia Carmichael ⋅

    I’m here. Let the fun begin.

  3. Talia Carmichael ⋅

    Love this movie. 🙂

  4. Talia Carmichael ⋅

    Didn’t remember Robert Downey Jr was in this.

  5. Amber Kell ⋅

    Me either!

  6. Talia Carmichael ⋅

    What is he shaving?

  7. Amber Kell ⋅

    That’s a very good question. Do people really name their kids Chet?

  8. Talia Carmichael ⋅

    Yeah lets make a girl. Something everyone should do at a sleepover.

  9. Talia Carmichael ⋅

    Ohh…floppy disk.

  10. Amber Kell ⋅

    I did a search and the kid who plays wyatt now lectures English with an emphasis on medieval studies at texas A&M

  11. Amber Kell ⋅

    yeah, it’s always the computer that’s an issue if you don’t have enough power to built a girl.

  12. Amber Kell ⋅

    I love the fancy graphics. *snicker*

  13. Talia Carmichael ⋅

    Yeah get data from playgirl.

  14. Talia Carmichael ⋅

    Bra on head time. Lol.

  15. Talia Carmichael ⋅

    Now that is how you make a woman.

  16. Talia Carmichael ⋅

    Take a shower and watch you. *snicker*

  17. Amber Kell ⋅

    How did they even get into a bar?

  18. Amber Kell ⋅

    I love the 80’s hair and her magical skills at making things match what she wants.

  19. Amber Kell ⋅

    Why would they want to stay in that bar?

  20. Amber Kell ⋅

    These kids are embarrassing to watch!

  21. Talia Carmichael ⋅

    The painful awkward teenage years.

  22. Talia Carmichael ⋅

    Yeah his brother is an asshole.

  23. Amber Kell ⋅

    He’s way too young for her. It’s kind of creepy.

  24. Amber Kell ⋅

    I’m kind of curious why he has two beds in his bedroom?

  25. Talia Carmichael ⋅

    That poor old lady. She needs another job.

  26. Talia Carmichael ⋅

    Yep they are assholes too.

  27. Amber Kell ⋅

    Are there no nice people in this movie?

  28. Talia Carmichael ⋅

    They sure forgot about their girlfriends.

  29. Talia Carmichael ⋅

    Gary’s parents…oh man

  30. Amber Kell ⋅

    She has quite the 80’s hair

  31. Talia Carmichael ⋅

    Roflmao. She is so crazy.

  32. Amber Kell ⋅

    I forgot how crazy this movie was.

  33. Amber Kell ⋅

    How many outfits does she have?

  34. Talia Carmichael ⋅

    They are so clueless. They didn’t leave the room

  35. Amber Kell ⋅

    Where is his brother during this entire party?

  36. Talia Carmichael ⋅

    Wow they are really big assholes.

  37. Talia Carmichael ⋅

    And the geeks should know better.

  38. Amber Kell ⋅

    How did the piano even go up the chimney?

  39. Talia Carmichael ⋅

    Grandpa and Grandma to the rescue

  40. Amber Kell ⋅

    I don’t think his parents are going to be pleased.

  41. Amber Kell ⋅

    I love how over the top the motorcyclists are.

  42. Amber Kell ⋅

    I don’t think this house is going to recover.

  43. Talia Carmichael ⋅

    She gave them confidence. Wreaked a whole lot of stuff but they got the girls. Lol

  44. Amber Kell ⋅

    He didn’t do a very good job watching his brother.

  45. Talia Carmichael ⋅

    Yep a perfect reflection of how Chet is.

  46. Amber Kell ⋅

    damn, they lost their fancy cars.

  47. Talia Carmichael ⋅

    Power of fixings.

  48. Talia Carmichael ⋅

    Guess all damage was at back of house.

  49. Talia Carmichael ⋅

    Thanks for watching with me. 🙂

  50. Amber Kell ⋅

    Thanks for watching with me!

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